1 Year
- Diploma in Theology
30 Semester Units
2 Years
- Associate of Theology
60 Semester Units
4 Years
- Bachelor of Theology
126 Semester Units
5 1/2
Years - Master of Theology
171 Semester Units
7 Years
- Master of Sacred Studies
216 Semester Units
8 1/2
Years - Doctor of Theology
261 Semester Units
10 Years - Doctor of Ministry
Semester Units
above years are based on 10 courses out of 12 courses offered a year. Also, on no prior college, advanced standing, or ministerial
experience, which would give you more units. Check with the Chancellor, Dr. West. All degrees conferred by Christian Life
School of Theology are in a Bible Theology Major. Courses are offered in six divisions of study. Old Testament, New Testament,
Biblical Theology, Christian Counseling, Historical Theology, and Practical Theology. It is required that courses from all
six divisions be represented in a student's Bachelor of Theology.
students should take whatever course is offered.